Monday, 15 February 2016

The Truth Behind Your Yeast Infection and How to Cure Candida

Yeast Infection No More

Educating yourself about your candida infection is the first and most important step in curing this painful, annoying and relatively dangerous chronic condition and taking responsibility over your health and well-being.

Although yeast infection (known by the names of Candida, Monilia or Thrush) is in fact a very common condition, (as three out of four women develop it at some point in their lifetimes), it is little discussed. Most people regard candida infection as a ‘on the surface’ problem that should be treated with creams and antibiotics whereas few are aware of its potentially risky complications.

Yeast Infection is first and foremost an internal problem. Like most chronic conditions, there is never one cause for this fungal problem and thus yeast infection cannot be permanently eliminated using medications or creams that work superficially and fail to tackle the root factors that trigger the formation of candida infection in the first place.

The problem is that the majority of yeast infection sufferers choose to leave it in the hands of others: Doctors, pharmacists, drug and over the counter industries. They willingly choose NOT to take responsibility for their candida condition, for their health and for their own body.

If you suffer from yeast infection then you must have experienced the confusion stemmed from conflicting advice and from information overload. Honest information about vaginal yeast infection or any other type of candida infection is harder to come by than ever before, and nearly everyone has been misled at one time or another. I know I have. I wasted literally thousands of dollars on candida treatment programs that didn’t “work out” and anti-yeast infection products that didn’t do anything. 

Yeast Infection No MoreFurthermore, to successfully navigate through today’s jungle of misleading, dishonest and conflicting information, you're going to have to become a very shrewd and discriminating consumer.

There are in fact, alternative, cheap, safe, natural and holistic health practices and methods necessary to permanently eliminate the symptoms of this disease and cure the root internal cause of yeast infection regardless of its type, location, or level of severity.

To effectively overcome candida infection, you need to be aware of the real cause of yeast infection and be able to identify its symptoms. You need to know how to self-test and diagnose your candida condition, learn about the dietary principals needed to maintain a candida free environment and about the complimentary treatments that will help you battle against the negative effects and complications of your yeast infection.

By educating yourself about the steps you need to take in order to deal with your candida infection condition and help your body heal itself and control the fungal overgrowth from the inside out you can and will eliminate the pain, annoyance, humiliation and frustration associated with this condition and feel more in control. Additionally, as a side benefits you’ll feel more energized, healthier and vibrant. You will enjoy improved digestion, enhanced vision, and healthier hair, skin and nails.

Knowledge is power. Embrace it. Share it and apply it and you will be yeast infection free. 

How to Cure Candida

Is There an Acne Cure Diet that Works? See Acne No More

Acne No More

Diet Shapes Who You Are (Including Your Acne)

In the same way that crashing waves shape beach cliffs and just like the wind shapes the canyon walls, slowly and methodically over time, so does eating shapes and effects our physic, our internal system, our physical and mental being, from the organ down to the cellular level.

The idea that an object foreign to our body that is inserted by the food that we eat, has no effect on us, or has no impact on chronic conditions such as acne is absurd. Diet is the primary thing that affects and shapes who we are.

Diet has cumulative effect on our bodies, and that includes our skin condition and acne, which is a manifestation of a chronic internal problem slowly shaped and built by the wrong daily dietary choices over the years.

Acne Diet and The Kitavan Islanders

While in the U.S, more than 80% of teenagers between 16 and 18 have acne and more than 17 million Americans suffer from some form of acne, there is an interesting evidence that native people that live and eat in traditional ways, have significantly lower to no occurrences of acne.

In 2002, Dr. Cordain and his colleagues published a landmark study that examined 300 people living in the Kitavan Islands off the coast of Papua New Guinea that showed that none of the islanders had even one blemish on his or her face. Similar to the Kitavans, no case of acne had been observed when the same experiment had been conducted upon the South American Indians called the Ache, living in a remote jungle in eastern Paraguay.

The natives of Kitavan and the South American Indians had no access to the latest over the counters, topical creams or conventional acne medications and they had no dermatologist to consult with. The only vast difference between them and American or European citizens is their diet.

Acne Diet and Sugar: The Sweet Poison

Aside from the fact that sugar is a 100% pure chemical with zero nutritional value, recent studies have clearly shown a connection between the consumption of sugar and the aggravation of acne.

When you consume any form of refined carbohydrates (white sugar, white flour, white rice) here's what happens: right after you insert that 'sweet poison' into your body, it rapidly spikes up your blood sugar levels. Your body needs to bring those levels down so it secrets a surge of insulin, other male hormones and an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1. The excretion of these hormones overwhelms your liver and your internal system in general. The excess of male hormones encourages the skin to excrete large amounts of sebum oil: The greasy substance that encourages the p.acne bacteria to grow, resulting in the aggravation of your acne.

Acne No MoreAcne Diet and Dairy Products: Got Milk? Got Acne

If you thought sugar can aggravate your acne, here's another major nutritional player in the formation of acne: behold the miracles of milk. Milk (all dairy products included) is the most harmful, mucus forming, allergenic and acne aggravating food you can find. Surprised? I thought so. After years of constant brainwashing by the media, who can blame us for thinking milk is good for strong bones and healthy teeth? The truth is: every sip of milk contains 59 different raging hormones, (which trigger the hyper-production of sebum oil resulting in more acne), saturated animal fat, steroid hormones, dead white blood cells, and cow pus in abundance!

Did you know that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows 750 million pus cells in every liter of milk (about two pounds) produced in America? Think about it, the next time you pop a pimple.

Scientific studies already point the finger at milk as one of the worst acne aggravating foods: "As pointed out by Dr. Jerome Fisher, 'About 80 percent of cows that are giving milk are pregnant and are throwing off hormones continuously.' Progesterone breaks down into androgens, which have been implicated as a factor in the development of acne...Dr. Fisher observed that his teenage acne patients improved as soon as the milk drinking stopped."

If there's one element you should remove from your diet in the quest for clear skin make it this one. Not only will you see an immediate improvement over your acne, you'll feel a huge weight has been lifted from your body. If you worry about calcium intake, don’t! Milk being acidic forming food creates a leeching effect where calcium is taken from your bones to balance the acidity. Milk actually deprives your body from its calcium resources. Green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds are not only excellent sources of calcium they also have the powers to help you fight your acne symptoms.

Diet Is Only One of The Factors That Cause Acne

Dairy products and sugar are not the only acne aggravating foods. The two above cannot sum up the list of western made acne triggering foods. There are several other foods you should clearly stay away from if you ever wish to clear your acne. The good new is that there are tons of other foods such as essential fatty acids that are not only excellent for your skin, they can actually help you clear your acne, by re-balancing your body and promoting to an acne-free environment.

The right nutrition plays an important part in the complex process of acne formation. When doctors claim there is no link between diet and acne because certain individuals can eat specific foods and get acne while others eat the same foods and don't, these doctors have failed to realize that there are several factors involved in the formation and aggravation of acne and diet is only ONE of them. 

Acne No MoreThe Final Verdict On The Acne Diet Connection: How To Finally Overcome Your Acne Challenge

Acne is a complex condition that is triggered by several underlying factors. The only way to neutralize your acne condition is to tackle all these acne-contributing factors-holistically. Since the wrong diet is only one of these acne-triggering factors, in most cases no special diet can cure acne.

There is a however, a tight connection between diet and acne formation. Dietary factors can trigger and aggravate your existing acne. Avoiding the wrong foods such as milk, sugar and hydrogenated oils, and eating cleansing and hormonal balancing foods such as green leafy vegetables and essential fatty acids, can help your skin heal itself from the inside out and dramatically reduce your acne symptoms.

There are also several important dietary principals that you must understand and follow if you ever want to cure your acne for good.

Taking responsibility over your body and adhering to these dietary principals along with taking the necessary steps to tackle all acne contributing factors, holistically, will not only cure your acne permanently and give you the flawless acne free skin you deserve, following these principals will also significantly improve your overall health, mental well-being, look and feel. 

5 Natural Ways to Fight Off Eczema

Eczema Free Forever

If you suffer from eczema, you want and need to seek relief.  You may opt for expensive over-the-counter products or try prescriptions recommended by your doctor.  These may work, but don’t discount a natural way to fight off eczema.  Luckily, there are many natural remedies that have proven effective for treating eczema, 5 of which are outlined below.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #1 – Bathe Properly

Proper bathing and showering is key to not only treating eczema, but preventing more outbreaks.  Most medical professionals recommend short showers or baths.  Lukewarm water with no bath bubbles is advised.  Eczema sufferers should also limit the amount of scented shampoo, conditioner, and soap they use.  Opt for all-natural or organic instead.  Although not necessarily an all-natural cure, lotions and creams should be applied immediately following a bath or shower to lock in the moisture.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #2 – Drink Plenty of Water

Lukewarm baths and showers have their benefits because they moisturize the skin.  Lotions and creams can help keep this moisture locked in.  Don’t just moisture your body from the outside, but the inside too.  The most natural and easiest way to do so is to drink lots of water.  Keep your body hydrated and it will help your skin, making eczema easier to manage.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #3 – Take Oatmeal Baths

Above it was stated that short baths and showers are recommended.  The only exception to this is when oatmeal is used.  Oatmeal tends to have a calming effect on the skin.  There are all-natural oatmeal bath product sold at most department stores and drug stores, but you can easily make your own mixture.  Honestly, the oatmeal sold at supermarkets will do.  Add two or three cups to a bathtub filled with lukewarm water. 

Eczema Free Forever

Natural Remedy for Eczema #4 – Watch What You Need

Watching what you eat is a natural way to fight off eczema.  Unfortunately, you may run into some problems.  You want to eat skin healthy foods, but some of these foods may trigger an outbreak or flare-up.  For example, fruits are known to help against premature aging, but seeded fruits are a common eczema cause.  You should keep a daily log of your food and drink consumption.  Use this to determine what you ate or drank before each outbreak.  If you notice a pattern, permanently adjusting your eating habits.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #5 – Use All Natural Supplements

All-natural supplements have proven helpful in many eczema patients.  In fact, some swear by them.  What you want to do is research natural supplements that can help treat or cure eczema.  Good examples include fish oil, vitamin E, and vitamin C.  Then, work on adding these supplements into your diet.  Do so slowly and one at a time, so you know which works and which doesn’t.  Supplements come in over-the-counter format, but most are found naturally in foods too.

Eczema Free Forever

Research has shown that all-natural eczema treatment systems, such as Eczema Free Forever, are a successful way to seek relief.  

Heres a little trick that will Cure Erectile Disfunction Forever

 Cure Erectile Dysfunction

Cure Erectile Dysfunction

  1. Your erections might become ‘uncomfortably rigid’ and last longer than normal.
  2. Please make sure you (and your partner) are healthy enough for vigorous sexual activity.
  3. You may experience erections quite frequently during the day. Please discontinue if your work becomes negatively affected.
The video on this page shows you a simple trick to get rock hard erections on demand, whenever the moment calls.

I was sick of experiencing the pain and disappointment on my partner’s face when I couldn’t perform for her anymore. There’s nothing more humiliating in life then not being able to please your woman.

Watch this short video to the end to discover the simple trick I used to fix my ED for good…

I was not going to sit around and helplessly watch my sex life wither away into nothing!

I learned that most supplements designed to cure ED simply don’t work. I started using Viagra and Cialis, and while these drugs would work for a short while, the side effects like nausea, diarrhea and loss of sensitivity did more damage than good.

Plus, they didn’t fix the REAL cause of ED. (Watch the video to find out what that is!)

Then something incredible happened…

I did my research and figured out the REAL reason why men like me are suffering from the horror of erectile dysfunction. I discovered that while aging is normal… erectile dysfunction is NOT.

You can age gracefully and STILL have the rock hard erections you once had as a teenager. (And keep or even regain size you might have lost due to poor penile circulation.)

I explain the simple, controversial breakthrough solution in the video above.

I was astonished to realize that 4 out of 5 women will CHEAT with a secret male ‘friend’ if they aren’t satisfied with your performance in the bedroom. They justify it to themselves by saying “It’s just sex not love, so it’s ok.”

So if you’re ready to turn back the clock and start making the most out of the sexual opportunities life has to offer, then this video is for you.

If you want to rest assured that you are the BEST lover your partner has ever had… This video is for you…

…But you have to watch to the end to really get it handled for good. This video is only online for a short period of time to get the word out to a handful of guys. After that it could be gone forever. So watch it now while you still can.

Remember: Watch the entire video. The end of it WILL shock you.

 Erections on Demand


Thursday, 11 February 2016

Natural Diabetes Treatment Works Better Than Prescription Drugs

Shocking new scientific research uncovered how to treat the root cause of diabetes. Doctors at the International Council for Truth in Medicine have perfected these diabetes treatment methods:


 In 16 days, patients insulin dosages were reduced by over 57%.

A few weeks later, 96% of patients were able to stop ALL diabetes prescription drugs and injections.

Blood sugar normalized, insulin sensitivity increased and neuropathy pain went away. 

They've already helped over 17,542 type 2 diabetics end the need for prescription drugs, insulin injections and blood sugar monitoring. 

But you won't hear about this breakthrough from your doctor.

Read more here:


Wednesday, 10 February 2016

10 Foods That Unclog Arteries in a Totally Natural Way

We present you the 10 most effective ingredients that can help unclog arteries and prevent the occurrence of serious diseases.

 Unblock your Arteries

The main ingredient is soluble oat fiber, and it does not allow the creation of cholesterol. These fibers are linked to cholesterol and assist in its ejection from the body. Research has shown that if you want to reduce your cholesterol level by almost 20%, you only need to eat 1.5 to 2.5 cups of cooked oats per day.

Cranberry Juice
Drink 3 cups of juice each week, and you will successfully unclog arteries. This juice increases the ability of cells to absorb fats and produce energy, and does not allow the fat to accumulate in the blood vessels.


Pomegranate is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight hardening of the arteries, because it reduces damage to the blood vessels and prevents the progression of the disease.

Olive oil
Research has shown that olive oil is fantastic in preventing cholesterol. He oxidize and stick to artery. The most important part of the olive oil are monounsaturated fats that eliminate bad cholesterol.


Garlic has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases. Initially, it is mostly used in the treatment of high blood pressure, and heart disease, but it has been found, and that has an incredibly effect in preventing coronary artery calcification.


Spinach is rich in folic acid and potassium and helps in the prevention of hypertension. It frees the arteries by preventing the formation of cholesterol and heart attacks at the same time. Lutein, another component of spinach, acts as a good protector against macular degeneration associated with aging.

Korean researchers found a compound in tomatoes that helps prevent hardening of the arteries. It’s called lycopene and gives red color to tomatoes. Moreover, they found that women with high levels of lycopene in the blood have fewer problems with the arteries.

Kiwi and melon
One cup of cantaloupe and kiwi one day unclogs arteries. This is due to the high content of antioxidants, and their power to reduce bad cholesterol.


Flavonoids, resveratrol and quercetin, the most useful are the ingredients of grapes. They are good in preventing the oxidation of cholesterol that leads to the formation of plaque on the artery walls.Grapes helps reduce the risk of developing blood clots that lead to heart disease.

University of Southampton conducted a study related to fish and its role in preventing clogged arteries. Their results showed that fish, especially tuna and salmon, are rich in omega-3 oils that prevent fatty deposits to accumulate in the arteries. The fatty acids found in fish prevent oxidation of cholesterol and formation of a clot.

 High Blood Pressure Report

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

3 Foods That Will Make Your Type 2 Diabetes Even Worse

Diabetes Destroyer

Did you know that some “safe” foods might be making your diabetes even worse?

You know to stay away from sweets, but some so-called “healthy” alternatives could be hijacking your blood sugar.

>>>What if you could REVERSE your Type 2 Diabetes and throw away your insulin shots? A new medical discovery makes it possible

Keep these blood sugar-boosters off the menu to maximize your energy level:
  1. Fruit Smoothies
You’ve been told your whole lives to eat your fruits and veggies, but here’s what they didn’t tell you…
Many smoothies contain as much sugar as three cans of soda

…especially fast-food and restaurant smoothies.

So how can you get the necessary vitamins and fiber while avoiding blood sugar spikes?
The solution: make smoothies yourself.

Just make sure to stay away from super-sugary fruits like bananas and peaches.
Try these instead:
  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries

  1. Potatoes
I know what you’re thinking:

“What could go wrong with a food that’s fat-free, cholesterol-free, and full of fiber and vitamins?”

The problem with starchy foods, like potatoes, is that they’re digested into the bloodstream lightning-quick and can trigger sharp insulin spikes.

Don’t scrap your spuds just yet, though. The key to a diabetes-friendly potato is in the preparation and portion size.

Preparation tips:
  • Cook them with a healthy fat, like olive oil
  • Add leafy greens or vegetables
  • Chill the potato or add lemon juice to slow digestion
As for portion size, stick to about 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes or a computer mouse sized baked potato.

  1. White rice
In the diabetes world, white flour is like sugar’s evil minion.

Combine this with all the frying and processing involved with cooking flour, and your bloodstream is about to become a war-zone.

In fact, regularly eating white rice significantly increases your risk for Type 2 Diabetes. The risk increases 11% for each additional daily serving.

Thankfully, there is another option: brown rice.

Whole grains have fiber, which slows the rush of glucose into the bloodstream. Two servings of brown rice per week can actually lower your risk of diabetes, and help keep your blood sugar in check.

What if you could REVERSE your Type 2 Diabetes and never stop enjoying your favorite foods, here’s what you need:

A recent medical breakthrough at Newcastle University has revealed 3 Proven Steps to Reverse Type-2 Diabetes. Click the link below to find out more.

>>>Click here to find out 3 Proven Steps to Reverse Type-2 Diabetes Discovered by Newcastle University

Destroy Diabetes